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Professional Development and Consultation Opportunities with Deb

The Foundations of UZAZU Embodied Intelligence 

3-Day in-person Training for Helping Professionals

Introducing the 'Foundations of UZAZU' Workshop
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April 5-7, 2024

at Oddfellows Hall Ballroom

(The Clocktower building at Woodfords Corner)

651 Forest Ave, Portland, Maine

Note: Earlybird rate (for $100 off) ends Friday March 8!

Note: this workshop is approved for 18 CE's for social workers in Maine from NASW Maine Chapter. For further consideration of whether you can apply this workshop toward your professional license if you are a social worker not in Maine, or a licensed professional counselor in Maine or elsewhere, please click here.

Using a holistic, somatic framework for growth and healing, unlock the power of embodied intelligence in your professional practice. Learn to access a full spectrum of balanced states through simple movements and body postures. Develop your capacity to identify and shift imbalanced states and to facilitate integrative change in your sessions with clients.


Therapists, coaches and other helping professionals benefit from using the frameworks and techniques used in UZAZU.


The approaches taught and used in UZAZU Embodied Intelligence are trauma-informed and polyvagal theory-informed.

Be sure to register by March 8 to catch the earlybird rate!


Embodied State-Shifting & Rebalancing with Clients

Unlock the power of embodied intelligence in your professional practice


This workshop is not currently scheduled. Check back later for Fall 2024 dates.

Become more skilled at discerning how (and in which embodied states) each of your clients tends to become dysregulated or under-resourced. Gain a simple & effective ‘embodiment roadmap’ to help guide yourself and your clients back into balance and integration. In this live online learning context you will learn to:

  • Identify 4 core types of embodied states and work with the movements and postures that support them.

  • ‘Read’ your clients more effectively and help them identify and articulate key limiting patterns.

  • Help your clients learn to modulate and re-regulate their mind-body states.

  • Manage your own energy and attention during sessions with more conscious awareness and ease.

Note: This course is offered to therapists, coaches, and other helping professionals and is approved for up to 7 CE Credits for social workers by NASW Maine. If you are not a Maine social worker (eg social worker licensed elsewhere, or an LCPC in Maine, click here for help with considering whether you might be able to apply these CE's.****

UZAZU is a comprehensive coaching and therapy modality used as a stand-alone or integrative approach to deep embodied transformational work. To learn about UZAZU and our one-day, three-day/7-week, and 9 month training opportunities, go to

Embodying Polyvagal Theory:

Body-Oriented Learning and Exploration for Psychotherapists and Helping Professionals

Next date TBD. Please scroll below to sign up for announcements from me if you'd like to receive emails about this as well as other professional development opportunities.

6 SW CE's available

As therapists, we are well aware that our experience of safety, danger, and life threat becomes woven into our personal narrative, beyond our conscious control. Polyvagal Theory helps us to understand how the autonomic nervous system (ANS) influences and shapes this process. Developed by renowned researcher Stephen Porges, Polyvagal Theory explains from a neuro psychophysiological perspective on how and why we move through a continuous cycle of mobilization, disconnection, and engagement with the world. For many who study this theory, it provides conceptual clarity while leaving people unsure about how to utilize the theory or integrate it into their work.This Embodying Polyvagal Theory workshop offers body-based ways to experience and apply the theory with clients, through a day of interactive exploration.Adapted for online learning, this workshop combines didactic and body-based approaches to Polyvagal theory and regulation of the autonomic nervous system. You will:

  • Develop/review basic fluency in the language of polyvagal theory.

  • Deepen your understanding and use of polyvagal theory using the lens of embodiment.

  • Learn and explore how to apply our embodied knowledge of polyvagal theory to your work with clients, with greater attunement to movement of the body.

Please note:

  • This workshop is for helping professionals interested in gaining an embodied understanding of Polyvagal Theory.

  • Please be prepared to engage actively in this workshop, as this workshop is experiential. This will include movement exercises, sharing in the chat, and a breakout session(s). Keeping your video on is recommended.

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